What is Natural Health?
Natural health is a holistic approach to self-care that utilizes natural therapies to promote the restoration of health and well-being. By harnessing the inherent healing abilities of the human body, this system aims to bring about balance and harmony in one’s life. Practitioners and therapists in natural health may focus on a specific modality or […]
5 Wellness Therapies to Restore Balance with Naturopathy Treatment
Discover the power of naturopathy treatment services in karnataka as we explore five wellness therapies that can restore balance and harmony in your life. Join us at the Niraa Wellness. Discover a revolutionary path to wellness with naturopathy! Unlock the healing power within your body by embracing the holistic harmony of mind, body, and spirit […]
The Nourishing Mineral Water Therapy
Water is enriched with nutrients when certain minerals are dissolved in adequate proportions. This phenomenon occurs when groundwater drifts along with the regional groundwater pitch, dissolving available mineral rocks until it enters the ground as a spring or a natural pool. Mineral water can also be artificially made by adding the required minerals. Drinking Mineral […]
Gerson Therapy
Gerson Therapy is a nutrition system in alternative medicine treatment involves specialized custom made diet therapy, detoxification treatments, and organic nutritional dietary supplements. Gerson therapy activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself. This therapy program helps to regenerate an ailing body and bringing it back to health by flooding the sick patient with nutrients […]
How Can Ayurveda Help In Weight Loss
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical system that has been used for thousands of years to promote health and wellness. One of the key principles of Ayurveda is the idea that our individual constitutions, or doshas, can play a major role in our health and weight. According to Ayurveda, there are three main doshas: Vata, […]
Sleep Apnea! – 5 Natural Remedies to Overcome
Our busy life demands so much of our time and energy that we hardly pause for a moment to check ourselves, our health, habits, and wellbeing. Depression, Insomnia, Anxiety, Sleep Apnea, and many other such health issues have been on the rise lately. These conditions might not sound serious but if not attended to, can […]
The Importance of Balancing Vata in the Body
What is Vata? Vata, often referred to as Vayu, consists of air and ether. The standard translation of Vata is “that which moves things.” Vata is the foundation of our well-being, which is why keeping this dosha in balance is vital. It’s lightweight, cold, and dry in its essence. Vata accounts for vitality and governs […]
Concept of Naturopathy
Naturopathy is based on the theory that diseases that do not need surgery can be successfully treated without the use of drugs. Through techniques that are non-invasive like control of diet, exercise, and therapeutic massages A treatment plan is formulated based on a person’s condition, medical history, diet, lifestyle, pathological testing, and any conventional treatments […]
Natural Ways to Stay Cool and Fresh this Summer
The thought of stepping out on a sunny day itself is scary but don’t allow the heat to win over you. In summer, if necessary precautions are not taken in this heat and humidity, we are easily susceptible to a variety of infections and illnesses. We are here to provide you with a few tips […]
Principles of Naturopathy
The main aim of naturopathy is to encourage the body’s inherent ability to heal and maintain itself. It focuses on the whole person rather than just the symptoms of the disease. Naturopathy takes a holistic approach which means that it looks at the whole person – mind, body, and spirit – in order to understand […]