Blood is a specialised fluid of health flowing through the body of humans and other vertebrates. It is the fuel that provides us with energy. Blood carries out two fundamental functions:
- It transports oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to the cells.
- It eliminates carbon dioxide and waste from the system.
However, due to a combination of unhealthy lifestyles and a polluted environment, impurities and other toxins enter our bodies and contaminate our blood. In instances such as these, blood fails to perform its functions properly. It could affect our body organs and our health.
What does impure blood mean?
One of the functions of the blood is to carry toxins and waste products to the kidneys and liver. It helps eliminate the toxins from the body by filtering the blood and making it clean. The clean blood then carries oxygen to the cells and tissues so that they may function properly. Any pathological condition involving the kidney can affect the blood filtration process and our immune system. The quantity of carbon dioxide in the blood increases, making it impure.
What happens when blood is impure?
Impure blood can cause various types of diseases and inflammation in the body. With all its toxins, impure blood can contribute to an increased risk of developing many health conditions, such as:
- Heart Attack
- High Blood Pressure
- Paralysis
- Skin conditions
- Dizziness
- Hair loss
- Loss of eyesight and more
The symptoms of impure blood
You should closely monitor your health to identify the signs and symptoms of impure blood. Below are a few indicators that help you understand whether your blood has started becoming impure:
- You feel exhausted from the time you wake up.
- You get nervous.
- You often suffer from a cold and cough.
- You are ill very often.
- You face difficulty in digestion.
- Frequent abdominal swelling.
- Difficulty memorising things.
- You suffer from allergies & inflammation often.
Note: If you come across 2 or 3 of the symptoms, it is time to consult a naturopathy physician at a reputed naturopathy wellness centre.
What causes impure blood?
In the modern world, there are many contributing factors to impure blood. Our eating habits, pollution, lifestyles, and a variety of pathogens around us play a role in making our blood impure.
How to clean impure blood?
If your blood is impure, it affects your organs, causing damage and failures. Medical intervention is necessary when one notices the early signs of impure blood. Impure blood causes the build-up of toxins in the body, warranting blood cleansing. Blood cleansing is made possible by helping the body detox and remove toxins and harmful waste from the body naturally.
Blood purification is essential for keeping your body in the correct operating order. Therefore, include more blood-cleansing items in your everyday diet. Apart from including natural blood purifiers in your daily routine, engaging in a physically active lifestyle can help cleanse the blood regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Here are some natural blood purifiers that could aid in the detoxification process:
Water is a natural detoxifier. Drinking adequate water can help flush toxins out and enhance the functioning of organs. It aids the flow of minerals and vitamins and removes toxins through urination.
Lemon helps remove pollutants from your blood and digestive tract that may harm your health. Lemon juice is acidic and can balance your pH level, aiding the removal of toxins from the bloodstream.
Beetroot is a natural blood purifier and contains nitrates and the antioxidant betalains, which help to minimise liver inflammation and oxidative damage. Beetroot juice helps produce large amounts of enzymes that help the body cleanse naturally.
Turmeric is an excellent healer. It cleanses the blood and speeds up the healing process. Curcumin present in turmeric aids in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Turmeric also contributes to the production of red blood cells and its medicinal properties date back to the beginning of Ayurveda.
Holy basil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. Basil is a powerful herb that helps the liver and kidneys to remove toxins from the body. The toxins and other pollutants are eliminated from the body by excretion.
Jaggery is a common sugar substitute found in most Indian homes. It is a natural blood purifier. This unrefined sugar contains fibre, which cleanses the digestive system, prevents constipation, and eliminates waste from the body. Iron in jaggery assists in the restoration of haemoglobin levels and maintains healthy blood flow in the body. Furthermore, it is known to help cleanse the blood by removing blood clots from the body.
Fresh Fruits
Apples, plums, pears, and guavas contain pectin fibre, which helps in blood purification. They bind to excess lipids in the blood and toxic substances and eliminate them.
Green Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are high in essential nutrients and antioxidants that help keep your body healthy. Eat lettuce, spinach, mustard and amaranthus greens to support healthy blood flow. These green vegetables are essential for boosting liver enzymes that help with blood cleansing.
Where to get treatment for impure blood?
If your body displays signs and symptoms of impure blood, you should seek treatment immediately. Niraa Wellness Naturopathy Centre in Sakleshpur offers the best naturopathy treatment for various health conditions. At Niraa, we offer many Naturopathy and Ayurvedic treatments that balance the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and your body to help it heal from within. We offer Wholesome Detox or Detox and Rejuvenate packages to detoxify impure blood. We also provide a customised diet plan that you can follow for the long term.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the colour of impure blood?
Human blood contains haemoglobin, a complex protein molecule in red blood cells. Haemoglobin contains iron. The iron reacts with oxygen, giving blood its red colour. The amount of oxygen in the blood determines the darkness of red. As blood leaves the heart and is oxygen-rich, it is bright red, and the blood that has lost its oxygen is dark red.
2. How can we eliminate toxins from the blood naturally?
To detox your body naturally, you can depend on natural blood purifies. Some of them include:
- Water
- Lemon
- Beetroot
- Turmeric
- Basil
- Jaggery
- Fresh Fruits
- Green Vegetables
3. What leads to blood becoming impure?
Blood is the fluid in our body that carries waste products and impurities to the kidneys and liver to be eliminated from the body. However, if these organs do not function optimally, the blood filtration process gets affected, leading to toxins moving through our blood and affecting other organs. Some of the factors that contribute to impure blood include our eating habits, pollution, unhealthy lifestyles and a variety of pathogens.
4. Is treatment available for impure blood?
Yes, impure blood can be treated. Detox treatments are highly effective against impure blood. At Niraa Wellness, we offer Wholesome Detox and Detox and Rejuvenate packages for anyone looking to detox their body and embark on a journey towards holistic health.
5. What are the symptoms associated with impure blood?
Some of the symptoms of impure blood include:
- Feeling exhausted all day.
- Becoming nervous.
- Falling ill very often.
- Having difficulty in digestion.
- Frequent abdominal swelling.
- Difficulty memorising things.
- Constant allergies & inflammation.